/** This class is an example of using the BinarySplitting.frink file to calculate exp[x] to arbitrary precision. It follows the algorithm described in: "Fast multiprecision evaluation of series of rational numbers" by Bruno Hible and Thomas Papanikolaou: https://ginac.de/CLN/binsplit.pdf See the references in that paper for discussion of the parameters. See section 2.2.1 for the algorithm for exp[x]. Call BinarySplittingExp.exp[n, digits] to calculate the specified number of digits. TODO: This is incomplete and needs a better algorithm to calculate the number of iterations because the equation given in the paper is not useful. Also see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57510825/binary-splitting-in-pari-gp For better code samples, see the new (2023) paper: http://www.hvks.com/Numerical/papers.html and especially the paper http://www.hvks.com/Numerical/Downloads/HVE%20Fast%20Exp()%20calculation%20for%20arbitrary%20precision.pdf which contains implementations of the Taylor series, binary splitting, and sinh algorithms to quickly calculate exp(x). Implementing it in terms of sinh is apparently fastest and would give you a sinh algorithm... */ use BinarySplitting.frink class BinarySplittingExp implements ParamProvider { // The numerator var u // The denominator var v new[num, denom] := { u = num v = denom } /** Call this method with the number of digits of exp[x] you want to calculate. */ class exp[x, digits] := { [u,v] = numeratorDenominator[toRational[x]] splitter = new BinarySplittingExp[u,v] origPrec = getPrecision[] try { setPrecision[18] d1 = log[digits] d2 = abs[log[1/abs[x]]] d = d1 - d2 println["d1 is $d1"] println["d2 is $d2"] println["d is $d"] reps = ceil[digits / d * 1.43] // Found empirically for some numbers if reps < 1 reps = 1 setPrecision[digits+3] println["reps is $reps"] return BinarySplitting.calc[splitter, 0, reps, digits] } finally setPrecision[origPrec] } /** Implementation of the ParamProvider interface. */ a[n] := 1 b[n] := 1 p[n] := { if n == 0 return 1 else return u } q[n] := { if n <= 0 return 1 else return n v } } use ArbitraryPrecision.frink test[x,digits] := { s = now[] c = arbitraryExp[x, digits] e = now[] println["calculated c in " + format[e-s, "ms", 0]] s = now[] bs = BinarySplittingExp.exp[x, digits] e = now[] println["calculated bs in " + format[e-s, "ms", 0]] setPrecision[digits] println["diff is " + (c-bs)] }