use functionUtils.frink /** This program contains routines to predict a sequence. These are generally achieved by finding the differences or quotients of terms, but there are other techniques that, say, try to force a polynomial fit onto the data. */ fit[list, numAdditionalTerms=1, debug=false] := { level = 0 do { [result, perfectFit, nextRowPoly, symbolic, polyFunc] = polynomialFit[list, numAdditionalTerms-level, debug, true] if perfectFit return polyFunc else { println["nextRowPoly is $nextRowPoly"] [result, perfectFit, nextRowQuot, symbolic, quotFunc] = quotientFit[nextRowPoly, numAdditionalTerms-level-1, debug, true] if perfectFit return polyFunc[quotFunc[x]] } /* [result, perfectFit, nextRowQuot, symbolic, quotFunc] = quotientFit[list, numAdditionalTerms-level, debug, true] if perfectFit return quotFunc else { println["nextRowQuot is $nextRowQuot"] [result, perfectFit, nextRowPoly, symbolic, polyFunc] = polynomialFit[nextRowQuot, numAdditionalTerms-level-1, debug, true] if perfectFit return quotFunc[polyFunc[x]] } */ level = level + 1 } while level < numAdditionalTerms return "match not found" } /** This is one version that forces a polynomial fit onto the data. See although it's not clear from the article that it's fitting a polynomial onto the data and that it won't work for geometric terms, or a Fibonacci sequence, or whatever. */ polynomialFit[list, numAdditionalTerms=10, debug=false, returnExtra=false] := { list2 = deepCopy[list] first = new array first@0 = list2@0 origlen = length[list] var nextRow var symbolic level = 0 LEVEL: while (len = length[list2]) >= 2 { diffs = new array allZero = true for i=0 to len-2 { diff = list2@(i+1) - list2@i diffs@i = diff if (diff != 0) allZero = false } if debug println[diffs] first.push[diffs@0] list2 = diffs if returnExtra and level==0 nextRow = diffs if allZero == true or len <= 2 { if debug println["first is " + first] result = new array var n for n = -numAdditionalTerms to origlen + numAdditionalTerms - 1 { Tn = 0 symbolic = 0 for i = rangeOf[first] { Tn = Tn + first@i * binomial[n, i] symbolic = symbolic + first@i * binomialSymbolic[n,i] } result.push[Tn] if debug println["Symbolic is " + inputForm[symbolic]] } if returnExtra == false return result else return [result, allZero, nextRow, symbolic, toFunction[noEval[n], symbolic]] } level = level + 1 } } /** This tries the quotient of terms to try and predict a series. */ quotientFit[list, numAdditionalTerms=10, debug=false, returnExtra=false] := { list2 = deepCopy[list] first = new array first@0 = list2@0 difftri = new array difftri.push[list2] origlen = length[list] level: while (len = length[list2]) >= 2 { diffs = new array allone = true for i=0 to len-2 { diff = list2@(i+1) / list2@i diffs@i = diff if (diff != 1) allone = false } difftri.push[diffs] if debug println[diffs] first.push[diffs@0] list2 = diffs if allone == true or len <= 2 { if debug println["first is " + first] if debug println["difftri is\n" + join["\n", difftri]] result = deepCopy[list] for n = 1 to numAdditionalTerms { // copy last entry in difftri lastRow = difftri@(length[difftri] - 1) lastRow.push[lastRow@(length[lastRow]-1)] // if debug // println["New sorta difftri is $difftri"] for i=length[difftri]-2 to 0 step -1 { row = difftri@i nextRow = difftri@(i+1) row.push[row@(length[row]-1) * nextRow@(length[nextRow]-1)] } if debug println["New difftri is " + difftri] } if returnExtra == false return difftri@0 else { symbolic = list@0 * (list@1/list@0) ^ noEval[n] return [difftri@0, allone, difftri@1, symbolic, toFunction[noEval[n], symbolic]] } } } } binomialSymbolic[n,k] := { if (k<=0 or k>=n) return 1 if (n - k) > k k = (n-k) product = 1 / (n-k)! for i = 0 to n-k-1 product = product * (noEval[n] - i) return product } toFunction[symbol, symbolic] := { return constructExpression["AnonymousFunction", [[makeSymbol[symbol]], symbolic]] }