class Quadtree { var left var right var top var bottom var data // An array of children var children // Construct a new Quadtree node. new[l, r, b, t] := { left = l right = r top = t bottom = b children = undef data = undef } // Creates a child to go at the specified row and column. Returns the // new child. createChild[row, column, value] := { middle = (left + right) / 2 if column == 0 { l = left r = middle } else { l = middle r = right } middle = (top + bottom) / 2 if row == 0 { t = top b = middle } else { t = middle b = bottom } var child = new Quadtree[l,r,b,t] = value if children == undef children = new array[] children@(row*2+column) = child // Attach to tree return child } // Gets the value of the given child. getChild[index] := { if children == undef return undef if index >= length[children] return undef else return children@index } // Gets the value of the given child at the row and column getChild[row, column] := { getChild[row*2 + column] } // Deletes all children of the specified node. The value is the value // that should be given to this node. deleteChildren[value] := { children = undef data = value } // Deletes a single child of the node. If the deleted node is the last // child, then this node takes on the value undef. deleteChild[index] := { if children == undef { data = undef return } children@index = undef noValue = true len = length[children] for i = 0 to len-1 if children@i != undef noValue = false if (noValue == true) // Clean up the children array { data = undef children = undef } } // Returns true if this is a leaf node. isLeaf[] := { if children == undef return true noValue = true len = length[children] for i = 0 to len-1 if children@i != undef noValue = false return noValue } // Gets the data for the given node. getData[] := data // Sets the data for the given node. setData[newData] := data = newData // Make a Quadtree for the given graph, going to the specified depth. class makeQuadtree[l, r, b, t, equation, depth] := { var child q = new Quadtree[l,r,b,t] q.setData["X"] q.subdivide[parseToExpression[equation], depth] return q } subdivide[expression, depth] := { if (depth > 0 && data) { hMiddle = (left + right) / 2 vMiddle = (top + bottom) / 2 xs = [new interval[left, hMiddle], new interval[hMiddle, right]] ys = [new interval[vMiddle, top], new interval[bottom, vMiddle]] index = 0 solutionFound = false for row = 0 to 1 { y = ys@row for col = 0 to 1 { index = row*2 + col x = xs@col // println["$x, $y"] // res = eval[equation] res = eval[expression] val = "X" if res or res == undef { if res != true { // println[res] val = "!" } v = createChild[row, col, val] solutionFound = true // children@index = v data = undef // Force to be a non-leaf v.subdivide[expression, depth-1] } } } if ! solutionFound deleteChildren[undef] } } // Plot the graph in text. textPlot[rows, cols] := { vals = new array[] for i = 0 to rows // One row padding { vals@i = new array[] for j = 0 to cols - 1 vals@i@j = "." } xscale = cols / (right-left) yscale = rows / (top-bottom) privateTextPlot[vals, xscale, yscale, left, bottom] for i = rows-1 to 0 step -1 { println[join["",vals@i]] } } // Private text plotter privateTextPlot[vals, xscale, yscale, gLeft, gBottom] := { for row = 0 to 1 for col = 0 to 1 { c = getChild[row,col] if (c != undef) { if (c.isLeaf[] and { for y = floor[(c.bottom - gBottom) * yscale] to floor[( * yscale] { rr = vals@y for x = floor[(c.left - gLeft) * xscale] to floor[(c.right-gLeft) * xscale] { rr@x = } } } else { c.privateTextPlot[vals, xscale, yscale, gLeft, gBottom] } } } } } n = Quadtree.makeQuadtree[-5, 5, -5, 5,"y PEQ 5 cos[x^2] sin[x]", 6] //println[n] n.textPlot[21,76]