Download or view 16AnimaliBox.frink in plain text format
/** This is an attempt to make a completely programmatical box for an object
extruded from an image.
The image was extracted from an eBay auction of the puzzle which sold for
USD 350.
Original image used for extracting:
Cleaned-up image: (you will need this to run this program)
use ConvexHull.frink
wallThickness=1.2 mm
origWidth = 150 mm // Width I printed the original puzzle at (after cropping)
spacing = 0.15 mm // The spacing between the puzzle and walls
wallHeight = 7 mm
floorOverhang = 2 mm
floorThickness = 0.8 mm
emboss = 0.7 mm
lidWallHeight = 12 mm + emboss + spacing
lidOverhang = 2 mm
lidThickness = 0.8 mm
// The image file to extract can be loaded from:
img = new image["file:16AnimaliBW.png"][]
//img = img.resize[200, undef]
[width, height] = img.getSize[]
println["width is $width, height is $height"]
print["Loading points..."]
points = new set
// We calculate the convex hull (which is O(n log n)) faster by first finding
// only the possible outside points.
for y = 0 to height-1
for x = 0 to width-1
if img.getPixelGrayInt[x,y] < 128
next LTOR
for y = 0 to height-1
for x = width-1 to 0 step -1
if img.getPixelGrayInt[x,y] < 128
next RTOL
for x = 0 to width-1
for y = 0 to height-1
if img.getPixelGrayInt[x,y] < 128
next DOWN
for x = 0 to width-1
for y = height-1 to 0 step -1
if img.getPixelGrayInt[x,y] < 128
next UP
println["Object has " + length[points] + " points."]
print["Calculating convex hull..."]
hull = ConvexHull.hull[points]
println["Hull has " + length[hull] + " points."]
// Make a Point2DFloatList (polygon) out of the points.
// TODO: Find a way for ConvexHull to act on a Point2DFloatList?
hullFloat = newJava[""]
for [x,y] = hull
hullFloat.addPoint[x, -y]
// Calculate the voxel resolution that we printed the original at
bb = hullFloat.getBoundingBox[]
r = (bb.getMaxX[] - bb.getMinX[]) / (origWidth)
println["res is " + format[r, 1/in, 3] + "/in"]
// This is a Point2DFloat
[cx, cy] = hullFloat.getCentroid[].toExpression[]
offset = (spacing + wallThickness/2) r
floorOffset = (spacing + wallThickness + floorOverhang) r
lidWallOffset = (spacing + wallThickness + spacing + wallThickness/2) r
lidOffset = (spacing + wallThickness + spacing + wallThickness/2 + lidOverhang) r
wallPoly = newJava[""]
floorPoly = newJava[""]
lidWall = newJava[""]
lid = newJava[""]
points = hullFloat.getPointCount[]
for i=0 to points-1
[px, py] = hullFloat.getPoint[i].toExpression[]
wallPoly.addPoint[px < cx ? px-offset : px+offset,
py < cy ? py-offset : py+offset]
floorPoly.addPoint[px < cx ? px-floorOffset : px+floorOffset,
py < cy ? py-floorOffset : py+floorOffset]
lidWall.addPoint[px < cx ? px-lidWallOffset : px+lidWallOffset,
py < cy ? py-lidWallOffset : py+lidWallOffset]
lid.addPoint[px < cx ? px-lidOffset : px+lidOffset,
py < cy ? py-lidOffset : py+lidOffset]
// Make wall
v = callJava["", "strokeZ", [wallPoly, floorThickness r , (wallHeight+floorThickness) r, wallThickness/2 r, true]]
// Make floor
f = callJava["", "extrudeZ", [floorPoly, 0, floorThickness r]]
v = v.union[f]
// Emboss puzzle on floor
f = callJava["", "extrudeZ", [img, round[floorThickness r], round[(floorThickness + emboss) r]]]
f.translate[round[cx-12], round[cy+1], 0]
v = v.union[f]
// Make lid wall
lw = callJava["", "strokeZ", [lidWall, 0, lidWallHeight r, wallThickness/2 r, true]]
// Make lid surface
top = callJava["", "extrudeZ", [lid, round[lidWallHeight r], round[(lidWallHeight + lidThickness) r]]]
lw = lw.union[top]
lw.projectX[undef].show["Lid X"]
lw.projectY[undef].show["Lid Y"]
lw.projectZ[undef].show["Lid Z"]
filename = "16AnimaliBox.obj"
print["Writing $filename..."]
w = new Writer[filename]
w.println[v.toObjFormat["16AnimaliBox", 1 / (r mm)]]
filename = "16AnimaliLid.obj"
print["Writing $filename..."]
w = new Writer[filename]
w.println[lw.toObjFormat["16AnimaliLid", 1 / (r mm)]]
Download or view 16AnimaliBox.frink in plain text format
This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink
Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.
Alan Eliasen was born 20217 days, 23 hours, 37 minutes ago.