
Download or view Amazon.frink in plain text format

class Amazon
   // This is an array of Category objects to process
   var queue = new array

   // This is a set of seen category codes (as integer)
   var seen = new set

   // This is a dictionary of <ID, Category>
   var hierarchy = new dict

   processQueue[] :=
      while length[queue] > 0
         cat = queue.popFirst[]
         readPage["" + cat.urlpart + "/zgbs/books/" + + "/",]
//         println["processing " + cat]
//         println[hierarchy]
//         println[length[queue] + " items in queue."]

   readPage[url, parentID] :=
      page = read[url, "windows-1252"]
//      println[page]
//      for [urlpart, index, title] = parts =  page =~ %r/['"]http:\/\/www\.amazon\.com\/([^\/]+)\/zgbs\/books\/(\d+)\/[^"']*?['"]\s*>([^<]+)/g
      for [urlpart, index, title] = parts =  page =~ %r/['"]http:\/\/www\.amazon\.com\/([^\/]+)\/zgbs\/books\/(\d+)[^'"]*['"]\s*>([^<]+)/g
         addQueue[urlpart, parseInt[index], parentID, title]

   // Add a new category to the queue
   addQueue[urlpart, id, parentID, title] :=
      if seen.contains[id] or id == parentID

//      println["Adding $title"]
      parent = hierarchy@parentID
      parentTitle = (parent != undef) ? parent.title + " | " : ""
      fullTitle = parentTitle + title
      cat = new Category[urlpart, id, parentID, fullTitle]
      hierarchy@id = cat

class Category
   var urlpart
   var id
   var parentID
   var title

   new[url, i, parent, t] :=
      urlpart = url
      id = i
      parentID = parent
      title = t

a = new Amazon
a.readPage["", undef]

Download or view Amazon.frink in plain text format

This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.

Alan Eliasen was born 20218 days, 0 hours, 14 minutes ago.