Download or view MercuryTransit.frink in plain text format
// This program animates the transit of Mercury across the sun
use planets.frink
use sun.frink
timezone = "US/Mountain"
lat = 40 degrees North
long = 105 degrees West
df = ### yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm ###
datef = ### yyyy-MM-dd ###
tf = ### HH:mm ###
// This graphics object is the animated version
g = new graphics
g.font["Monospaced", .008 degree]
anim = new Animation[.3 s]
win =[800,800]
//for planet = [Planet.Mercury, Planet.Venus]
planet = Planet.Mercury
startdate = #2019-11-11 08:00 AM#
startdate = sunrise[startdate, lat, long]
enddate = sunset[startdate, lat, long]
println["Sunrise is " + (startdate->timezone)]
println["Sunset is " + (enddate->timezone)]
frame = 0
staticsteps = 5
g2 = new graphics
g2.font["Monospaced", .008 degree]
g2.backgroundColor[.8, .8, 1]
// Draw the sun
g2.color[1,1,0] // Yellow
sunRadius = sunRadiusAngle[startdate]
g2.fillEllipseCenter[0, 0, 2 sunRadius, 2 sunRadius]
for d = startdate to enddate step 5 min
[azsun, altsun] = refractedSunAzimuthAltitude[d, lat, long]
[azp, altp] = planet.refractedAzimuthAltitude[d, lat, long]
separation = angularSeparation[azsun, altsun, azp, altp]
sunRadius = sunRadiusAngle[d]
mercuryRadius = planet.radiusAngle[d]
//println[mercuryRadius -> [0, "deg", "arcmin", "arcsec"]]
flag = ""
if separation < sunRadius + mercuryRadius // Touching sun?
flag = "*"
if separation < sunRadius - mercuryRadius // Fully inside sun?
flag = "**"
g = new graphics
[skyr,skyg,skyb] = skyDarkness[d, lat, long, [[.1,.1,.1], [.1,.1,.2], [.1,.1,.3], [.1,.1,.4], [.8,.8,1]]]
g.backgroundColor[skyr, skyg, skyb]
// Draw the sun
g.color[1,1,0] // Yellow
g.fillEllipseCenter[(azsun-azsun) cos[-altsun], -(altsun-altsun), 2 sunRadius, 2 sunRadius]
// Draw Mercury
// How much more black could it be? The answer is none. None more black.
g.fillEllipseCenter[(azp-azsun) cos[-altp], -(altp-altsun), 2 mercuryRadius, 2 mercuryRadius]
// g.add[planet.drawPolygonRelativeToZenith[d, lat, long, azp, -altp, mercuryRadius, true]]
g.text[d->[tf, timezone], (azp-azsun) cos[-altp], -(altp-altsun), "center", "top"]
if frame mod staticsteps == 0 OR flag == "*" // Step every 5 steps or when just touching
g2.fillEllipseCenter[(azp-azsun) cos[-altp], -(altp-altsun), 2 mercuryRadius, 2 mercuryRadius]
g2.text[d->[tf, timezone], (azp-azsun) cos[-altp], -(altp-altsun), "center", "top"]
println[(d->timezone) + "\t" + format[separation,"deg", 5] + "\t$flag" ]
frame = frame + 1
filename = "mercurytransit" + (startdate -> datef) + "_$timezone"
filename =~ %s/\//_/g // Turn slashes into underscores in filemane.
print["Rendering animation..."]
anim.write["$filename.gif", 700, 700]
g2.write["$filename.png", 1024, 1024]
g2.write["$filename.svg", 1024, 1024]
g2.write["$filename.html", 1024, 1024]
Download or view MercuryTransit.frink in plain text format
This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
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Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.
Alan Eliasen was born 20217 days, 15 hours, 5 minutes ago.