
Download or view MonthWithoutAFullMoon.frink in plain text format

// A program to disprove the e-mail that says,
// "February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full
// moon."

// For a month to have no full moon, the illuminated fraction has to be
// decreasing at the beginning of the month and increasing at the end of
// the month.  This will only work in February because a lunar month is
// 29.5305555 days.

use sun.frink

timezone = "UTC"

// Start with the first February after the Gregorian calendar was adopted
// (which was October 15, 1582)
for year = 1583 to 2020
   start = parseDate["$year-02-01 00:00 $timezone"]
   end = parseDate["$year-03-01 00:00 $timezone"]

   if moonIlluminatedFraction[start] > moonIlluminatedFraction[start + 1 s] and moonIlluminatedFraction[end - 1 s] < moonIlluminatedFraction[end]
      print["$year "]


// Find the actual date of the full moon in February 1865.
fullMoon1865 = fullMoon[#February 1, 1865#]
println["A full moon actually occurred that month on $fullMoon1865"]

Download or view MonthWithoutAFullMoon.frink in plain text format

This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.

Alan Eliasen was born 20217 days, 15 hours, 18 minutes ago.