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/** This is a test of spherical embossing for 3-D printing. */
res = 254/inch
h = 1 inch
r = 1 inch
text = ""
// On an ellipsoid
v = callJava["", "makeSuperellipsoid", [r res, r res, 1.3 r res, 1, 1]]
img = qrcode[text, "L"]
//img = img.gaussianBlur[2]
// This makes it feasible to print without overhang
// 2-pixel cube tool for embossing
pixelTool = newJava["", [0,2,0,2,0,2,true]]
// Out emboss
emboss = v.sphericalEmboss[img, 0,0,0, 180 deg, 90 deg, 0 deg, 70 deg, 0, 254, 0 cm res, 0 cm res, -.2 cm res, 0 cm res, pixelTool, 0, 0, 0]
// In emboss
emboss2 = v.sphericalEmboss[img, 0,0,0, 0 deg, 90 deg, 0 deg, 70 deg, 0, 254, 0 cm res, 0 cm res, .2 cm res, 0 cm res, pixelTool, 0, 0, 0]
v = v.union[emboss] // Add extrusion
v.remove[emboss2] // remove carving
filename = "QRCodeEgg.obj"
print["Writing $filename..."]
w = new Writer[filename]
w.println[v.toObjFormat["v", 1/(res mm)]]
// Generates a QRcode image using Google Charts API:
// Generate a QRcode image and return that image.
// errorCorrection is a letter consisting of one of the following:
// "L" (can correct up to 7% errors)
// "M" (can correct up to 15% errors)
// "Q" (can correct up to 25% errors)
// "H" (can correct up to 30% errors)
qrcode[text, errorCorrection="M", width=400, height=400] :=
return new image["${width}x${height}&chld=$errorCorrection&chl=" + URLEncode[text, "UTF8"]]
Download or view QRCodeEgg.frink in plain text format
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Alan Eliasen was born 20217 days, 23 hours, 21 minutes ago.