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// Program to simulate cross-stitch.
// Draws a single "x" in a cross-stitch.
drawX[gr is graphics, left, top, right, bottom, r, g, b, sdColor, threadWidth, subThreads, jitter] :=
width = right-left
height = bottom-top
halfWidth = width / 2
halfHeight = height / 2
perSide = sqrt[subThreads]
// Width of each sub-thread
subWidth = threadWidth / perSide * 1.1 // TODO: Make this changeable
halfThreadWidth = threadWidth / 2
quarterThreadWidth = threadWidth / 4
xc1 = left + halfThreadWidth
yc1 = top + halfThreadWidth
xc2 = right - halfThreadWidth
yc2 = bottom - halfThreadWidth
halfThreadWidth = threadWidth / 2
for n = 0 to subThreads-1
xx = (n mod perSide) / perSide
yy = (n div perSide) / perSide
xo = threadWidth * xx - halfThreadWidth
yo = threadWidth * yy - halfThreadWidth
jitterWidth = subWidth * jitter
gr.color[randColor[r, sdColor],
randColor[g, sdColor],
randColor[b, sdColor],
gr.line[randomGaussian[xc1 + xo, jitterWidth],
randomGaussian[yc1 + yo, jitterWidth],
randomGaussian[xc2 + xo, jitterWidth],
randomGaussian[yc2 + yo, jitterWidth]]
gr.color[randColor[r, sdColor],
randColor[g, sdColor],
randColor[b, sdColor],
gr.line[randomGaussian[xc1 + xo, jitterWidth],
randomGaussian[yc2 + yo, jitterWidth],
randomGaussian[xc2 + xo, jitterWidth],
randomGaussian[yc1 + yo, jitterWidth]]
// Picks a normally-distributed color component around the color component x
// with specified standard deviation.
randColor[x, sd] := constrain[randomGaussian[x, sd], 0, 1]
// Constrains the value of x to be between min and max.
constrain[x, min, max] := (x < min ? min : (x > max ? max : x))
// Draw a cross-stitch of the image.
crossStitchImage[gr is graphics, i, left, top, right, bottom, steps] :=
w = i.getWidth[]
h = i.getHeight[]
aspect = w/h
if (aspect > 1) // Wider than tall?
xstep = w/round[steps*aspect]
ystep = h/steps
} else
xstep = w / steps
ystep = h / round[steps/aspect]
threadWidth = .3 xstep
for x=0 to w-xstep step xstep
for y = 0 to h-ystep step ystep
[r,g,b,a] = i.averagePixels[x,y,x+xstep, y+ystep]
g = new graphics
//i = new image[""]
//i = new image["file:maui.jpg"]
//i = new image["file:kittyface.jpg"]
i = qrcode["","L"]
crossStitchImage[g, i, 0, 0, 1, 1, 33][]
// Generates a QRcode image using Google Charts API:
// Generate a QRcode image and return that image.
// errorCorrection is a letter consisting of one of the following:
// "L" (can correct up to 7% errors)
// "M" (can correct up to 15% errors)
// "Q" (can correct up to 25% errors)
// "H" (can correct up to 30% errors)
qrcode[text, errorCorrection="M", width=400, height=400] :=
return new image["${width}x${height}&chld=$errorCorrection&chl=" + URLEncode[text, "UTF8"]]
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Alan Eliasen was born 20217 days, 23 hours, 41 minutes ago.