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// Sample program to load an image, write semi-transparent "watermark" text
// across it (with a semi-transparent rectangle behind it), and write it
// back out to a file.
g = new graphics
img = new image[""]
// Draw the image onto a graphics object at its original size.
g.draw[img, 0, 0, img.getWidth[], img.getHeight[]]
// Draw a watermark right in the center of the picture.
// First a semi-transparent white rectangle
g.fillRectCenter[img.getWidth[]/2, img.getHeight[]/2, img.getWidth[], 20]
// And then semi-transparent black text.
g.font["SansSerif", 20]
g.text["Frink Rules!", img.getWidth[]/2, img.getHeight[]/2, "center", "center"][]
// Write out to a file at the same size as the original.
g.write["earthmoon1.jpg", img.getWidth[], img.getHeight[], 1]
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This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
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Alan Eliasen was born 20217 days, 15 hours, 32 minutes ago.