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// Attempt to solve a system of equations.
use solvingTransformations.frink
solveSystem[equations, solveForString] :=
eqArray = new array
size = length[equations]
allUnknowns = new set
for i=0 to size-1
syms = getSymbols[parseToExpression[equations@i]]
equation = equations@i
// println["Equation is $equation"]
// println["Symbols are $syms"]
eqArray.push[ [equation, syms] ]
// println["eqArray is $eqArray"]
allUnknowns = union[allUnknowns, syms]
// println["allUnknowns is $allUnknowns"]
// println["All unknowns: $allUnknowns"]
// Sort equations by number of unknowns (fewest first)
sort[eqArray, {|a,b| length[a@1] <=> length[b@1]}]
res = solveParts[eqArray, solveForString]
res = eliminateDuplicates[res]
res = eliminateOverconstrained[res]
// res = eliminateSelfReferential[res]
return res
// This is a recursive internal method to solve for other unknowns.
solveParts[eqArray, solveForString] :=
results = new array
size = length[eqArray]
for i=0 to size-1
[eq, unknowns] = eqArray@i
if unknowns.contains[solveForString]
oe = parseToExpression[eq]
equation = parseToExpression["solve[$eq, $solveForString]"]
solvedEq = transformExpression["solving", equation]
// println["Result is $solvedEq"]
otherEqs = eqArray.shallowCopy[]
otherSize = length[otherEqs]
for unknown = unknowns
pUnknown = parseToExpression[unknown]
if (unknown != solveForString)
for j=0 to otherSize-1
res2 = solveParts[otherEqs, unknown]
// println["Unknown is $unknown"]
// println["Res2 is $res2"]
for respart = res2
// println["Replacing in $solvedEq, $pUnknown becomes " + child[respart,1]]
// TODO: Replace solving with simplification rules.
r = transformExpression["solving",substituteExpression[solvedEq, pUnknown, child[respart,1]]]
// println[" Result: $r"]
return flatten[results]
eliminateDuplicates[eqArray] :=
while (i<length[eqArray])
ie = eqArray@i
while (j<length[eqArray])
if structureEquals[ie, eqArray@j]
// println["Removing duplicate " + eqArray@j]
eqArray.remove[j] // Don't advance index in this case
} else
return eqArray
// This function eliminates overconstrained equations. For example, a system
// containing the solutions a===1/2 c r and a===c d^-1 r^2 is
// overconstrained because a value can always be obtained with the first
// equation. The second is not necessary.
eliminateOverconstrained[eqArray] :=
size = length[eqArray]
unknowns = new array
for i = 0 to size-1
unknowns@i = getSymbols[child[eqArray@i,1]]
res = new array
isProper = true
for i=0 to size-1
overconstrained = false
j = 0
overconstrained = isProperSubset[unknowns@j, unknowns@i]
if (overconstrained)
println[eqArray@j + " is a proper subset of " + eqArray@i]
} while (j < size) && ! overconstrained
if (! overconstrained)
res.push[eqArray@i] // If we got here, no j is a proper subset of i.
return res
//println[join["\n",solveSystem[["d === 2 r", "c === pi d", "a === pi r^2", "e===f", "g===h"], "r"]]]
// See
// Q. Given that P(A)=0.75, P(B|A)=0.8 and P(B|A')=0.6, calculate P(B) and P(A|B)
// Ans. 0.75, 0.8
// TODO:
// eliminate pAprime and pAB, as those are what we want to solve for.
//println[join["\n",solveSystem[["pAB === pBA pA / pB", "pA === 1 - pAprime", "pAB === ( pBA pA ) / ( pBA pA + pBAprime pAprime ) "], "pB"]]]
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Alan Eliasen was born 20217 days, 23 hours, 16 minutes ago.