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<H1>Name Frequency</H1>
This program predicts the number of people having your name, based on
U.S. Census data.<BR>
For the first or last name, you can enter multiple
variations of the name separated by spaces, such as "Bob Robert Bobby Rob".
Enter a name:
<% pop = pop ? pop : "300 million"
firstName = firstName ? firstName : ""
lastName = lastName ? lastName : ""
<FORM ACTION="namefreq.fsp" METHOD="GET">
First: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="firstName" VALUE="$firstName
Last: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="lastName" VALUE="$lastName
Population: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="pop" VALUE="$pop
if (pop && firstName && lastName)
pop = eval[pop]
println["<P>Fetching data...</P>"]
println["\nProbability of name \"$firstName
\": <BR>"]
firstFreq = frequency[firstName, true]
println["Frequency of $firstName
(in either sex) is: " + (firstFreq -> "percent") + "<BR>"]
lastFreq = frequency[lastName, false]
if (lastFreq != 0)
ratio = floor[1/lastFreq]
println["Frequency of $lastName
is: " + (lastFreq -> "percent") + " (about 1 in $ratio
if lastFreq == 0
println["<B>Probability of last name is too low for prediction.</B><BR>"]
if firstFreq ==0
println["<B>Probability of first name is too low for prediction.</B><BR>"]
if ((firstFreq != 0) && (lastFreq != 0))
together = firstFreq * lastFreq
//println[together -> "percent"]
println["\nThis name is probably held by 1 in " + ceil[1/together] + " people.<BR>"]
println["This name will occur with probability " + (probTogether[firstFreq, lastFreq, pop] -> "percent") + " in $pop
println["This name will occur with probability 50% in every " + predictTogether[firstFreq, lastFreq] + " people.<BR>"]
println["There are probably " + round[together * pop, .1] + " people with this name in $pop
// Functions used by above program
// Probability of a single name with frequency freq being in a movie with
// chars characters...
probAlone[freq, chars] := 1 - (1-freq)^chars
// Probability those two names appear together in n people
probTogether[probA, probB, pop] := 1 - (1 - probA * probB)^pop
// Predict the number of movies to get a 50% probability
predictTogether[probA, probB] := ceil[- ln[2] / ln[1 - probA * probB]]
// Contact and fetch probabilities.
frequency[names, first=true] :=
nameList = split[%r/[\s,\/]+/, names]
freq = 0
for [name] nameList
if name == ""
next // Ignore leading/trailing space
[let1, let2] = name =~ %r/(.)(.)/ // Get first 2 letters
let1 = lc[let1]
let2 = lc[let2]
url = "$let1
/" + lc[name] + ".asp"
if (first)
pattern = regex["$name
.* popular ((?:fe)?male).*frequency is (.*?)%","i"]
for [line] lines[url]
if [sex, p] = line =~ pattern
pp = eval[p] percent
if (pp != 0)
ratio = floor[1/pp]
): $p
% (about 1 in $ratio
freq = freq + pp
} else // Last name
pattern = regex["$name
.* popular .*last.*frequency is (.*?)%","i"]
for [line] lines[url]
if [p] = line =~ pattern
freq = freq + eval[p] percent
if (first)
return freq/2
return freq
<I><A HREF="">Alan Eliasen</A></I> was born
<%= round[now[] - #1969-08-19 04:54 PM Mountain#, minute] -> ["days", "hours", "minutes"] %>
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Alan Eliasen was born
20240 days, 18 hours, 30 minutes ago.
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