Time: AD 2024-12-26 AM 08:12:52.638 (Thu) Mountain Standard Time
From latitude 39.58560° N, longitude 104.89598° W:
The moon is located 29.8009° above the horizon (rising).
True compass bearing:
Illuminated fraction: 17.91% (waning).
Angle of center of moon's bright limb:
253.0 degrees clockwise (107.0 degrees counterclockwise) from zenith.
Sun-Moon angular separation: 49.67 degrees
Distance: 249341.89 miles, approaching at 67.398 mph.
Previous moonrise: | AD 2024-12-26 AM 03:22:01.642 (Thu) Mountain Standard Time | (4 hours, 50 min, 50 sec ago) | azimuth: 114.8782° |
Next transit: | AD 2024-12-26 AM 08:25:19.808 (Thu) Mountain Standard Time | (in 12 min, 27 sec) | altitude: 29.8309° |
Next moonset: | AD 2024-12-26 PM 01:21:32.847 (Thu) Mountain Standard Time | (in 5 hours, 8 min, 40 sec) | azimuth: 242.6896° |
Previous apogee: | AD 2024-12-24 AM 12:23:57.853 (Tue) Mountain Standard Time | (2 days, 7 hours, 48 min, 54 sec ago) | 251335.63 miles |
Next perigee: | AD 2025-01-07 PM 04:56:39.295 (Tue) Mountain Standard Time | (in 12 days, 8 hours, 43 min, 46 sec) | 230015.30 miles |
Previous new moon: | AD 2024-11-30 PM 11:21:56.306 (Sat) Mountain Standard Time | 25 days, 8 hours, 50 min, 56 sec ago |
Previous full moon: | AD 2024-12-15 AM 02:02:10.220 (Sun) Mountain Standard Time | 11 days, 6 hours, 10 min, 42 sec ago |
Next new moon: | AD 2024-12-30 PM 03:27:08.948 (Mon) Mountain Standard Time | in 4 days, 7 hours, 14 min, 16 sec |
Next full moon: | AD 2025-01-13 PM 03:27:19.422 (Mon) Mountain Standard Time | in 18 days, 7 hours, 14 min, 26 sec |
View source of This FSP page or the page that draws the moon or the astronomical library used by this code. Also see the sun locator.
Alan Eliasen was born 20217 days, 15 hours, 19 minutes ago.
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